Business Features

10 Social Media Marketing Strategies

“Social media is crucial to the success of any company’s digital marketing strategy. Despite this, brands of all kinds and sizes are not using this tool to its full potential. Although the number of “follows”, “likes” and “shares” is still important, the credibility of a brand is distinguished by far more than just this. Today, social media requires a unique set of skills whereby brands need to fully understand the needs of their audience. To help you out, I’ve put together 10 social media strategies you need to implement this year, whether you are a young entrepreneur or a well-established brand.

1. Start using chatbots.
You may have already heard, but chatbots are in. This comes as no surprise as they are the one digital tool that can communicate and resolve problems for your customers without the potential need for any human interruption. In addition to the above, chatbots integrate with the platforms that consumers now feel most comfortable interacting through: social media. Platforms such as Chattypeople make integrating an AI-powered chatbot into your social media strategy easy. These tools allow you to create a chatbot that:

* Doesn’t require any coding knowledge.
* Can answer customer questions.
* Is able to take orders directly from Facebook Messenger and comments.
* Integrates with all the major payment systems.”

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