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5 Techniques for Self-Improvement

When was the last you told yourself that you are not satisfied with how your life is going? Is there a skill set that would improve how you do your job or a diet that will improve your health? What aspects of your life do you think needs improvement and what have you done in the last year to make that happen? There maybe too many questions in your mind but that’s not always a bad thing. Growth is essential for healthy living and we must dedicate a chunk of our time in thinking about growth strategies and acting on them.

Here are 5 techniques that I use for self-improvement:

1. Writing in a journal.
I spend ten minutes every day free-writing on my journal. There is no topic to follow or question to answer, I just write every thought that comes to my mind feely. This helps me relax and become aware of my thoughts. Writing in a journal is actually therapeutic and is shown to help in resolving internal and external conflicts.

2. Making a list of things to do.
Simply creating a list of things to do makes such a huge difference in my work flow. I start with the most important items and work my way down and for every item completed, I check off. I use colors to create visually appealing list that’s easy to follow. Oftentimes, the items at the bottom of the list are not completed in the same day but that’s alright because I can easily revisit my list and work on it the next chance I get. Research suggests that the simple act of writing down a list of things to do can reduce stress so that’s one more reason why this technique is so awesome!

3. Focus on your health.
Our careers are only one aspect of our lives yet self-improvement guides often focus on work only. Health indeed is the best wealth so make sure you prioritize your wellness above everything else. Think about it: If you are sick, you won’t be able to work or enjoy quality time with your loved ones. One of the best ways to improve health is to start meditation in the form of deep breathing. It’s simple and you can do it any where, any time.

4. Invest in relationships.
According to a decades-long research conducted in the US, the quality of our relationships – not how much money we make or what all we can afford to buy – is is a true indicator of how happy we are. Don’t buy into books that tell you to lean in to work, just follow your passions and work smart. No one on their deathbed has said they wish they worked more hours. No one!

5. Keep going no matter if you fail.
Successful people are not those that never fail but are those who keep trying despite their failures. You only ever fail when you stop trying! Failure is inevitable in life but how you handle it will make all the difference. We usually hear about successful people when they’ve reached great heights but what most don’t realize is how many nights they stayed up working on their vision and how many times they contemplated quitting yet kept going.