Sports Highlights

Bonding with your Son through Sports

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There are whole lot of blog posts covering the best father-son duos in sports like this one on but what is even more special and seldom written about is ordinary parents cheering on their celebrated athlete kids. Top athletes get to where they are because of the support they receive from their parents from a young age. Whether it’s committing time or money, fathers (as well as mothers) go above and beyond in their efforts and even make their kids’ sports dreams their own. It’s a matter of pride and pure joy for fathers to watch their kids turn their athletic passion into a fulfilling career.

As a father, you may be tempted to push your son to do better in sports but you must remember to be sensitive about your son’s feelings. While it’s important to motivate your son to be athletic, it’s even more important to boost his confidence by allowing him the time and space required to be able to excel in sports. The relationship your kid has with you will determine his self-esteem and how he views his future relationships. This is why it’s so important to cultivate a strong relationship between yourself and your son and, if done right, sports can help in this endeavour.

Here are some ways you can use sports to bond with your son (as well as your daughter).

1. Start at a young age.
Whether it’s watching sports together or playing your favorite sport, the earlier you start involving your son in sports, the better. Pay attention to which sport he enjoys and start playing with him on a consistent basis. You can invite his friends to play along to make it more enjoyable for your kid. When you play sports with him, use encouraging words to boost his confidence. When he goofs up, don’t express disappointment because he will start associating the sport with the bitter feeling of disappointing you. After every game, treat him with his favorite snacks like healthy fruit shakes and energy bars so his body gets the nutrient it needs.

2. Get your spouse involved.
Why keep sports to you and your son when it can be a family activity plus your wife/partner won’t feel left out either. This may be an opportunity for your son to appreciate a different side of his mother when he watches her play. This applies to your daughter too. If you have a daughter, ensure that you’re not leaving her behind because you think being a girl she will not enjoy sports as much as your son does. Sometimes we have conventional thoughts due to our upbringing but should can be cognizant of biased ideas like this and through your actions show that you will treat your daughter as an equal to your son, even in matters such as sports. Through sports, you can teach your kid values such as competitivenss, chivalry, hard work, dedication and team work.

3. Enrol your son in a local sports club.

You don’t have to play with your kid to show your support, as long as you pick him up from school and take him to his sports club, he will appreciate the effort you’re putting into his passion. Clubs are also a great way for your kid to meet like-minded boys and girls who they can play with. If you’re on a budget, check to see if there are clubs that are school-sponsored. This option also works really well for single mothers who are dedicated to ensuring their kids stay athletic.

4. Hire a sports coach.
If you notice that your kid is great at a sport and is keen to excel in it but you don’t have the time or skills needed to train him, consider investing in a coach. Let your kid know why you’ll be getting him a coach and how he can make the best of it. Remember, hiring the right coach is crucial because you’ll be handing over the immense task of honing your kid’s athletic skills. Research about school scholarship and government-sponsored programs to help you pay for the costs. At every stage of your kid’s involvement in sports, make sure you’re having a two-way conversation with him and encourage him to speak his mind when it comes to the choices you two make that will impact his athletic life.