Business Features

Fundraising for Nonprofit Summer Camp

“Because first, we need to make sure we’re around for next year.

A lot has changed about running summer camp in 16 years since I first donned a summer camp staff t-shirt. But not all of it has changed for the worse. In this article, I’m going to walk you through three relatively easy things you can do for your summer camp that could wind up having an incredibly profound impact: getting a Google Adwords Grant, becoming an Amazon Affiliate, and my favorite – forming a community garden with grant money from, of all places – Walmart!

Securing a Google Adwords Grant

You can go ahead and read that graphic to the right. You read correctly – Camp Hanover – a Christian summer camp in Virginia – has been granted $10,000 in Google Adwords advertising per month and for life.

How? Let’s let ruler of “teh interwebs” Doug Walters walk us through the process.”

Read the full post here.