School Newsletters

Getting Parents Involved at School Activities

“What’s the best way for me to stay involved in my child’s school activities?

At the beginning of the school year, attend back-to-school night or other orientation events
Get to know the teachers and other school personnel. Listen to their plans, know what they hope to accomplish with their students, and understand why they chose these goals.
Attend school events
Go to sports events and concerts, student exhibitions, parent-teacher meetings, parents’ night, and awards events, such as a “perfect attendance” breakfast.
Learn what the school offers
Read the information the school sends home, and ask to receive information in your native language if necessary. Talk to other parents to find out what programs the school offers. Maybe there’s a music program, after-school activity, sports team, or tutoring program your child would enjoy. Remember to keep track of events throughout the school year.

Attend parent organization meetings.
At most schools, a group of parents meets regularly to talk about the school. This group is usually called the PTA or PTO (Parent Teacher Association or Parent Teacher Organization). The meetings give you a good chance to talk with other parents and to work together to improve the school, as well as the chance to voice your hopes and concerns for your child and for the school. Help organize parent-teacher meetings around your interests and those of other parents. If you are unable to attend these meetings, ask that the minutes of the meetings be sent to you. Or, find out if the school makes these minutes available on its Web site.”

Read the full post here.