Setting Up StoresurSTORE 101

How I make money in my sleep using urSTORE

Written by Daniel Stevens


It’s a tough concept to explain, URstore that is. They help with so many different things. Here I will explain how I use URstore to earn money in my sleep.

I started off with a concept, as simple as an idea like: I love chicken. Which I do, and I’m sure many others share this taste. So I took that idea to URstore. I made my personal online store in minutes. It takes a few hours for URstore to apply my “I love chicken” design to their vast product line but when it was done I was set. Seriously, I have my own high quality, low priced apparel store that is branded with “I love chicken.”URstore-Logo-slogan-2013-New-e1395337429437

Click here to check out the store!

Now, sure there are places like Bang-On who could have made me this shirt but I would have to pay upfront and take on all the burden myself. Now that I have my very own “I love chicken” merchandise and apparel store all I have to do to make money is get others to buy from my online store. Many people have bought t-shirts, sweat pants, umbrellas, even traveling bags with “I love chicken” on it earning me money while I sleep.

This is how it works. URstore sends me a commission cheque of 10% on any product purchased at my store. So I copy and paste my URL wherever I can. A good idea is to attach this link to your own website and I am earning residual income. This all cost me ZERO dollars!

So if you have an idea like “I love chicken” then head over to and make some passive income. It’s free and incredibly easy.

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