Sports Highlights

How Vision Problems Affect a Football Player

“Football is in the air, and players are practicing hard to get any type of edge they can over the competition. One area they may be overlooking is their vision – especially the impact vision problems can have on their game.

No matter how strong or fast you are, if you can’t see the ball, you can’t catch it. Unfortunately, an athlete can have vision problems that go undetected, even if they have perfect “20/20” vision.

Visual acuity and depth perception

When most people think of vision, they think “20/20”. The term “20/20” is a measure of visual acuity, which is the ability to see detail at a given distance. For a football player, good visual acuity is critical. You need to be able to see the ball clearly.

Another important skill is depth perception, which is the ability to perceive the spatial relationships between objects in visual space. The more information our brain has about these relationships, the better our understanding of where things really are and the better our performance in sports.”

Read the full post here.