Business Features

How Company Culture Can Make All the Difference

“Every business is different — from how they are run, who they hire and what their products or services are. Inevitably, this means each culture is not only unique, but requires something special to make the company a success.

Check out what leaders from Entrepreneur’s Top Company Cultures list, a ranking of high-performing cultures across the U.S., had to say about how their company culture is different from other businesses and why they believe their models are successful

1. Find what works best for your business.
I resist comparing us to “other businesses” as a generalization, because everyone has a different formula that may work well for them. For us, we have always been relentless about asking questions about our purpose as an organization, what our brand stands for and never settling for where we’re at. As we push our understanding of our self-imposed purpose and our market-imposed mandate forward, a growth mindset of constant improvement has brought us to where we are today, and we intend to keep moving forward.

Read the full post here.