The Best 5 Sports for Couples
Sharing a hobby, especially one that gets you both moving, is a great way to strengthen your bond. (And you don’t necessarily have to be on the same team to reap the benefits.) From creating the opportunity for a long-needed conversation to giving you an outlet for your aggression, these sports can work wonders for your relationship.
Once a country club sport played by the Muffys and Charles IIIs of the world, golf has spread to the masses — perhaps thanks to a host of superstar golfers from less “pure-bred” backgrounds, a juicy tabloid scandal courtesy of T. Woods and the growing number of public courses. And really, it’s the perfect sport — for everyone. There’s no better excuse to drink beer and sunbathe, all while feeling like you’re actually doing something productive. Feeling lazy? That’s what caddies and carts are for. And there’s a reason why so many business deals are brokered on the course: It may not require a lot of effort, but it does take up time — which makes it perfect for couples looking to fit in “us time.” Coincidentally, it also provides the perfect platform for bringing up topics your partner normally tries to avoid (like visiting your parents…for a week).
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