Business Features

Top 3 Nonprofit Jobs of the Future

“For many in the nonprofit world, 2017 kicked off with a bang. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) continues to rake in record donations, including from tech giants, as many look for ways to push back against some of President Trump’s more controversial policies. Likewise, Planned Parenthood is currently gearing up to do battle against political foes seeking to curb its funding. But it isn’t just the biggest, best-known organizations long stationed in the political crosshairs that are evolving these days, and activism isn’t the only reason why.

As community needs change, nonprofits at every level of the sector are searching for better ways to deliver their services. Like every business, nonprofits are also seeking opportunities for scale and efficiency. They, too, are often walking a fine line between the pressures of meeting today’s goals and planning for the future. To do all this, nonprofits will have to invest in both the people and technologies they’ll need to fulfill their missions in the future–as many already are. These are three of the top jobs nonprofits will need to fill as that transition unfolds.

Culture, especially in small organizations where staff are regularly connecting with community members, can make or break a nonprofit, just as it can a corporation. It influences public perception, interest in events and programs, and even drive donors to consider investing in the work. Culture also contributes to employee satisfaction, retention, and productivity levels. Other industries have already started adopting chief culture officers (CCOs), and many nonprofits are now following suit.”